There is at least one fatal ladder accident in Australia every month with hundreds of serious injuries many of which involve fractures together with over 10,000 hospital visits due to minor injuries caused by falls from a ladder. Legislation is in place to reduce the risk of falls from height and an employer who wants to avoid a ladder accident compensation claim must by law operate a safe system of work with adequate training and supervision with the provision of competent co-workers. If you need advice from a firm of ladder accident solicitors just call the solicitors helpline.
Employers should carry out a risk assessment for each anticipated operation involving the use of a ladder and so far as reasonably possible take action to reduce the risk of a ladder accident. A ladder accident solicitor will consider the companies documentation relating to staff training and attitudes to risk when assessing negligence on the part of the employer.
The risk of legal action by ladder accident solicitors can be reduced by employers taking simple common sense actions, the absence of which may be sufficient for an employee to ground a negligence claim :-
If you are the innocent victim of an accident or are only partly to blame our ladder accident compensation solicitors may be able to make a no win no fee compensation claim. If you would like advice at no cost just complete the contact form or email our offices or call the lawyers helpline and a ladder accident solicitor will telephone to give information on how to protect your legal right to claim compensation with no further obligation.
LAWYER HELPLINE: ☎ 1800 339 958The author of the substantive medical writing on this website is Dr. Christine Traxler MD whose biography can be read here