In most cases ruptured testicle injury will not have been caused by a car accident however there is a significant proportion that is a direct result of motor vehicle collisions. If you have been injured in an accident and you want to make a compensation claim for personal injury and loss just complete the contact form, email our lawyers offices or use the solicitors helpline. Our ruptured testicle solicitors offer advice at no cost without further obligation. If we deal with your claim it will be on a no win no fee basis, compensation is paid in full and you do not have to fund or finance your car accident compensation claim.
Ruptured testis is also called a ruptured testicle. While they are in a relatively vulnerable position on the body, a ruptured testis is rare. This is because the scrotum is relatively mobile and the testes can move out of the way of trauma in many situations. Trauma to the testes can impair fertility so it needs to be taken very seriously nevertheless.
There are three types of testicular injuries. The first includes just blunt trauma to the affected testicle. The second is a penetrating injury to the testicle. The third is a degloving injury to the testis. All testicular injuries are more common between the ages of 15 and 40 years of age.
Doctors diagnose a rupture testis through a thorough physical and history. You can do a scrotal ultrasound with Doppler flow evaluation to see what is happening within the scrotal sac. It is much too easy to miss a testicular rupture on physical examination alone and this is why a testicular ultrasound is so helpful. The sensitivity of an ultrasound evaluation of a testicular rupture is at least 94 percent and so this is the preferred test for evaluating the condition.
Penetrating injuries need careful exploration of the scrotum to see if there is penetration of the scrotum. You may need to do surgery in order to control an intrascrotal haemorrhage. If the tunica albuginea is penetrated, you need to do an early surgical exploration, debridement and closure of the tunic albuginea. If there is no active bleeding and there is no testicular haematoma, there may be only conservative measures taken.
Blunt trauma is more common than penetrating trauma to the testes. It is usually a unilateral phenomenon and is usually a minor injury. Only about 46 percent of patients with scrotal trauma that was blunt in nature needed surgical exploration or repair. Repair was necessary if the tunica albuginea was damaged or ruptured in the injury or if there was a large haematoma or a dislocation of the testis. Blunt trauma can come from a kick in the groin or a baseball struck onto the testicle. Paint ball injuries can damage the testicle. Bikers, especially extreme mountain bikers, are especially prone to testicular blunt traumatic injuries.
Penetrating injuries tend to be due to gunshots and stab wounds. High velocity missiles of any type can cause a penetrating injury to the scrotum and testes. Degloving or avulsion injuries are less common than the other types of injuries. Scrotal skin tends to be torn off, such as when the scrotum is trapped and torn by heavy machinery. A testicular rupture or fractured testis refers to any kind of rip or tear in the tunica albuginea that causes extrusion of the contents of the testis.
Testicular dislocation happens any time the testis is relocated from its normal position to a secondary location due to blunt force trauma to the testis. It is difficult to diagnose. The most common type of testicular dislocation happens when there is a motorcycle accident. A third of all injuries involve both testes. The dislocation can occur in many different locations, depending on the type of injury.
Testicular trauma can occur with genital self-mutilation. This is often due to testicular penetrating injuries in psychotic patients, although it can occur with non-psychotic patients. Most cases of genital self mutilation involve castration or near castration.
Testicular trauma is relatively uncommon. Blunt trauma makes up about 85 percent of cases, and penetrating trauma cases account for 15 percent of cases. Degloving injuries are extremely rare. Blunt trauma can be managed medically or through surgery. Penetrating injuries are usually treated surgically, unless the penetration is minor.
If you have suffered physically, mentally or financially, you should consider making an accident compensation claim. For free telephone advice from specialist personal injury solicitors just call the helpline. Our ruptured testis solicitors will assess the strength of your claim and will advise you on your potential award of compensation without any further obligation.
LAWYER HELPLINE: ☎ 1800 339 958The author of the substantive medical writing on this website is Dr. Christine Traxler MD whose biography can be read here